ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

An attitude (usually negative) shown towards individuals based on his/her religious, cultural, ethnic, political or other affiliation without having prior knowledge about the group. Such attitudes are based on assumptions far from objective reality. Prejudice has cognitive, affective, and behavioral components. Based on beliefs, it can affect one's emotions and behavior, sometimes leading to discrimination. Prejudiced beliefs primarily take the form of stereotypes, overall impressions based on the assumption that all members of a group possess similar attributes. Prejudices can both negative and positive.
Eg.       Women are weak. (Negative)
            Europeans are educated and intelligent. (Positive)

Stereotype is defined as an “oversimplified, usually pejorative, attitude people hold towards those outside one’s own experience who are different. They are a result of incomplete or distorted information accepted as fact without question. A stereotype is simply a widely held belief that an individual of certain group holds distinct characteristics. Due to the process of overgeneralization within social perception, stereotyping leads to a great deal of inaccuracy in social perception. Sex, race, age, religion, sexual orientation and physical ability are various categories which exist in stereotyping. The most prevalent and controversial forms are sex and race.
When prejudice becomes a belief then it is termed as stereotype. Such belief may or may not be real. Prejudices are reproduced time and again due to conformity biases in individuals which embeds into the belief system. E.g. Muslims are stereotyped as terrorists.

Discrimination is a behavioral aspect just opposite to generalization. In psychology discrimination is neither negative nor positive. Discrimination is the tendency to react against different stimuli in different ways. For example: if a person encounters a tiger in the wild, he/she tries to flee but the same person may not flee if he/she encounters a peacock.
However, if the discrimination is resulted by prejudice or stereotype then such discriminations are usually negative. Usually negative discriminations are studied in the social sciences. Eg. Racial discrimination, caste based discrimination, religious discrimination, gender discrimination etc.

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