Triple M is also known as peace causation triangle which consists of three different phases of mutually hurting stalemate (MHS), mutually enticed opportunities (MEO) and mutually obtained rewards (MOR).
William I Zartman (1989) pointed out that there occurs a moment where a given conflict is “Ripe for Resolution”. This situation is referred as Mutually Hurting Stalemate(MHS).
Ripe for Resolution – All parties involved in the conflict have the perception that they can better achieve their goals through negotiations rather than fighting.
At this point for both parties – the fear of continuing the war becomes greater than the fear of compromise & peace.
Two or more parties after reaching at the Mutually Hurting Stalemate will enter into the process of Dialogue, Negotiations and Mediation usually facilitated by third party.
Successful Dialogue, Negotiations and Mediation Process leads the conflict into:
An attractive compromise solutions
Reduce the fear of Peace
Increase the trust between the conflicting actors
War/Peace Equations
Cost/Fear of Peace + Benefits of War > Cost/Fear of discontinuing war + Benefit of Peace = WAR
Cost/Fear of Peace + Benefits of War < Cost/Fear of discontinuing war + Benefit of Peace = PEACE
Mutually Enticing Opportunities (MEO)
The factor that provide an attractive outcome, or, at minimum, one former belligerents can live with is termed as Mutually Enticing Opportunities. It is also termed as Resolving Formula.
Third Party are very important to drag the into MEO situation as weak & war-torn states mainly depends on Third Party such as UN in Conflict Resolution stages.
A Third Party has two principal tools: Leverage & Problem Solving abilities. Leverage mainly refers to RESOURCE corner of Triple R Triangle – offering security guarantee to minimize the fear of peace. Problem Solving is directed to the RESOLVE corner ability to devise solutions in a sufficient degree to meet the concerns, demands and goals of the parties.
The outcome of the MEO is signing of the Peace Agreements and implementation of such agreements.
Peace Agreements not only about terminating an old war but also about putting in place various mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of new ones. Implementation of the stipulations in a peace agreement is a fundamental test of the sincerity of the parties and of the quality of the agreements.During this phase it is vital that the former conflicting parties’ commitment to the agreement is underwritten by concrete actions which is the main route to increase trusts between the parties. MEO’s comes in different forms & combinations, for examples factors that can create MEO are immediate material benefits, guaranteed rights of power, property or position, the non-violent means, enhanced domestic legitimacy, enhanced international prestige or massive inflow of donors fund etc.
MEO holds out offering that can help modify a party’s perceptions of itself and other, of conflict goals, and of conflict itself. In terms of Triple – R Triangle, MEO has to do with Reasons – resulting in modification of goals or addressed grievances. MEO complements the negative pressures of MHS, generating increased physical and organizational security, sustaining changes in behaviors and causing a preparedness to live side by side within the same borders without resorting to violence. MEO can be transformed into next level by the guarantee of :
Military Stipulations - aimed at termination of armed violence, cantonment of troops, DDR & SSR.
Political Stipulations – distribution of political power, often including constitutional changes, election laws and election.
Mutually Obtained Rewards
The successful consolidation Phase of the Peace Process is referred here as Mutually Obtained Rewards. MOR – is a concrete and manifest rewards, such as improvements in political participation, access to political influences, more distributive justice or increased space for cultural identity etc.There should be mutual acceptance of each other’s rights to exist among former enemies through reconciliation and improvements in civil security and in rule of law. The polity should offer more accountability & transparency in the execution
of power. Eventually be more or better roofs over ordinary peoples’ head and more food on their tables.
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