ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Johan Galtung is often found to be making distinctions between "positive peace" and "negative peace". Negative peace simply refers to the absence of violence or war. The peace which prevails during the ceasefire is a good example of negative peace. However, positive peace is not only mere absence of violence, it also entails justice for all. The main characteristics of positive and negative peace are:
Positive peace: Structural integration, Optimistic, Preventive, Peace by peaceful means
Negative Peace: Absence of violence, Pessimistic, Curative, Peace not always by Peaceful means

Positive peace is defined as justice for all. It does not mean only the absence of violence but it also emphasizes on the presence of justice to everyone indiscriminately. Positive peace is such a situation where all forms of structural and direct violence are absent and social justice is delivered to each and every individual of the society in an indiscriminate manner. In addition to this, positive peace refers to fair distribution of power and resources and where people can actually explore and attain their actual potential without any forms of direct and structural resistance. It imagines such a society where all forms of discriminations, inequalities and violence are absent and the society is built upon the foundations of cooperation, harmony, tolerance and respect. At the same time, positive peace does not mean the absence of conflict and inevitability of conflict is always maintained. The only difference is the conflicts emerged in positive peace are resolved on the basis of cooperation among the parties in a constructive way and meeting the legitimate demands of each side mostly through structural reforms. So, positive peace is about cooperating with each other to attain social prosperity through collective efforts. 

On the contrary, negative peace refers just to the absence of violence or war. There may be the absence of direct violence but structural violence is prevalent during the negative peace. Negative peace tends to make curative approach towards any forms of conflict or violence and this type of peace may have been restored without peaceful means. Use of force or coercion is common in this scenario. The society sustains in mutual mistrust among the parties and negative peace may also suggest the preparation of violence or war from each side. 

Positive Peace Negative Peace
State of peace where both direct and structural violence are absent or reduced. Absence of war. No organized military violence.
Non-violent and Creative conflict transformation. May be the preparation of warfare.
Peace achieved by conflict transformation is regarded to be positive peace. Conflict management and conflict resolution tend to bring negative peace.
Positive peace is a transformative and creative goal as it tends to change the structures of society to eliminate oppression and elimination. Negative peace is a conservative goal as it keep things as they were.

For more visit:

Galtung's Positive and Negative Peace by Baljit Singh Grewal

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