ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

The basic assumption of conflict dynamics approach is that it takes two to conflict. The classical realist understanding of conflict sees conflict as a dynamic phenomenon in which one party acts and the other party reacts ultimately leading to a violent conflict. There are other dynamics which are polarization (pushing actors into two camps), centralization (creating a central command), formation of institutions and assigning responsibilities and little insights (secrecy and protection). Conflict takes shape on its own engulfing the actors and pushing them into an ever increasing conflict. The dynamics of conflict removes all other possible peaceful actions making conflicting parties blind to an extent that they see no other alternatives than continuing the conflict with higher level of threats and violence. If the parties follow the rules the outcomes are predictable but there is a high probability of changing dynamics by the actors by making a different move even by breaking the rules that the conflict has generated. Game theory can be taken as an example.

Johan Galtung has introduced a model of conflict dynamics which can be a useful analytical tool of a conflict. He uses diagnosis and prognosis model of conflict analysis to find the root cause and way to resolve. According to Galtung

Attitude + Behavior + Contradiction = Conflict 

Galtung assumes any point of the triangle can be the starting point of conflict and adds C or contradiction is most frequent point. In this triangle, the meaning of attitude, behavior and contradiction are described as under.

Attitude can be cognitive, emotive or preparatory.
i) Cognitive attitudes: ascribing negative attributes to the opposition, stigmatization and stereotype 
ii) Emotive attitudes: hate anger jealousy and contempt
iii) Preparatory attitudes: for later provocations, discriminations, threats, special laws, invasion, mass media propaganda

Behavior: Conflict behavior tends to deprive the opposition from something of value like life, property, dignity, respect, freedom etc. Behavior can be of three types.
Remuneration: Positive= payments, aid, influence, influence
      Negative= sanctions, boycott, strike, non-cooperation

ii) Normativity: Positive= respect, appreciation, agreement, recognition, praise
Negative= social exclusion, criticism, slander

iii) Violence: Positive= non-violence
Negative= war, threats, violation of rights, imprisonment 

Value conflict: disagreement about what is of value
Rank Conflict: Agreement about something is of value but disagreement about how to distribute it
Goal conflict: parties are subjectively defining it and they are conscious about their incompatible goals
Interest Conflict: Objectively present but parties are not consciously aware
Complexity: Depends on number of actors and how deep it touches the life of actors

Conflict Prognosis 
According to Galtung, Conflict can be transformed since it can be steered in a positive way to make a conflict creative. Parties can reach a position of transcendence where both win, reach to a level of compromise by compromising on their interests or they can give up their goals through dialogues.


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