ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Conflict can be defined as disagreement or incompatibility between principles, interests or opinions. It is the state of opposition, antagonism or struggle. Peter Wallestein defines conflict as a situation in which two or more parties strive to acquire the same scarce resources at the same time.

On the basis of violence, conflicts are of two types.
1. Violent conflict  
2. Non-violent conflict

On the basis of forms conflicts are categorized into five different types by Christopher Moore.

Structural conflict: Conflicts which are caused due to existing inequalities and discriminations rooted in a social, economic or political structure which has resulted in unequal distribution of resources. e.g.. disagreements in existing laws and constitution

Ideological/Theoretical conflicts: The cause of such conflicts is incompatible ideologies and values which can be political, cultural, religious or whatsoever. Cold war was a result of clash of communist and capitalist ideologies. Religious conflicts can be another good example.

Relational conflict: Conflict caused by misunderstandings, misconceptions, lack of communication, misinterpretation of the opponents etc. e.g.. the misconceptions about WMDs caused Iraq War.

Data conflict: Caused by disagreement over published facts and datas. e.g.. Border disputes.

Interest conflict: Caused by incompatible goals of the parties or differences in the interests.

On the basis of number of casualties Uppsala Conflict Data Project (UCDP) has categorized armed conflicts into three different types.

Minor conflict: at least 25 battle related deaths per year

Intermediate conflicts: more than 25 and less than 1000 battle related deaths per year.

War: 1000+ battle related deaths per year

On the basis of origin International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has divided conflicts into three different categories.

International armed conflicts: Armed conflicts between two or more than two countries. e.g.. India China war, India Pakistan War, US Vietnam war

Internationalized non-international armed conflicts: Interstate armed conflict where another state helps the insurgent groups. Eg. Armed conflict inside Syria

Non-international armed conflicts: Interstate wars, e.g.. Civil war of Nepal

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