Student of Peace and conflict studies NGO worker by profession Traveler/Hiker as a passion Area of interest: #enemyimages, #conflictresolution, #internationalrelations, #Cashbased programming, #projectmanagement, #informationmanagement, #globalpolitics, #resesarch
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Triple R theory is a holistic approach to analyze the causes of conflict. This theory assumes that three fundamental questions needs to be...
Ontology : (Source of knowledge) Ontology is the branch of metaphysics which deals with the nature of being, existence as well as c...
Good Governance: The word “ governance ” derives from the Greek word “ kubernan ” which means “ to steer ” . Oxford dictionary defines...
Johan Galtung is often found to be making distinctions between "positive peace" and "negative peace". Negative peace ...
Triple M is also known as peace causation triangle which consists of three different phases of mutually hurting stalemate (MHS), mutually ...
The main assumption of basic needs approach is that violent conflicts are caused by the deprivation of basic human needs of a population. ...
The basic assumption of conflict dynamics approach is that it takes two to conflict. The classical realist understanding of conflict sees ...
By Dr. Shiva Prasad Dabaral ''Charan'' Adopted from: Regmi Research Series (Jan-Dec 1987) We sha...
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The origins of “peace studies” as an academic discipline can be traced back to the end of WWII (late 1940s) and this field has been develo...