ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

(Adopted from Regmi Research Series)

The people of Jumla did not accept the Gorkhali rule with docility but resorted to forequent rebellions. On Kartik Badi 5, 1851 (octo 1794), Kathmandu sent the following notification to the inhabitants of Humla and Jumla:

            It is five years since we occupied that region. During that period, you have created much trouble. However, we pardon you for whatever you may be done during these five years. If even now any one engages in rebellion or intrigue, we shall degrade you to a lower caste if he is a Brahman, or else enslave or behead him accordinging to his caste. Understand this well. We shall, however, reward these who are loyal to us. (24/430).

Regmi Research Collection, Vol. 24, p. 430.

            On Baisakh Badi 1, 1851 (April 1794), Ranjit Kanwar was replaced by Jog Narayan Mall as Subba of Jumla.

            The following royal order was then sent to Ranjit Kanwar.

            You have imposed heavy fines on the inhabitants of Jumla because they had rebelled in 1793. They have come here to complain against such punishment. Whatever may have been collected in the past, the collection of fines every year has led to a depopulation of that territory. In order to check that trend, we hereby remit all arrears of such fines. Bhardars who had been deputed to the west had been instructed to kill all rebels of above the age of 12 years, but not to enslave other members of their families andlet them cultivate the land. No action shall be taken in contravention of such instructions. Restore all slaves and horses that you have unjustly taken. The rerritory must be made populous and enjoyed. You shall be punished if you act in contravention of the regulations.''

Regmi Research Collection, Vol. 24, pp. 288-92.


            Royal order to Subba Ranjit Kanwar, Subedar Dhanjit Rana, and other military officials deputed to Jumla: ''We have issued orders to all Amalidars through Jagjit Pande that all rebels of above the age of 12 years should be killed, but that other members of their families should not be enslaved, but the allowed to occupy their homesteads. We have now received reports that even then you have enslaved members of the families of the rebels. We had then ordered you to restore such slaves to freedom, but none of you have obeyed the order. You shall be punished if you do not do so even after receiving this order.''

Tuesday, Shrawan Sudi 3, 1851.
Regmi Research Collection, Vol. 24, p. 293.

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