ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Mount. Everest, the highest peak in the world. Height : 8848 meters. It boarders Nepal and Tibet.

Age of Everest: Everest was formed about 60 million years ago
Elevation: 29,035 (8850m)-found to be 6' higher in 1999
Name in Nepal: Sagarmatha (means: goddess of the sky)
In Tibet: Chomolungma: (means: mother goddess of the universe)
Named after: Sir George Everest in 1865 ,the British surveyor-general of India. Once known as Peak 15
Location: Latitude 27° 59' N Longitude 86° 56' E It's summit ridge separates Nepal and Tibet
First Ascent: May 29,1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary, NZ and Tenzing Norgay, NP, via the South Col Route
First Solo Ascent: Aug. 20,1980, Reinhold Messner, IT, via the NE Ridge to North Face
First winter Ascent: Feb. 17,1980 -L.Cichy and K. Wielicki, POL
Mt. Everest rises a few milimeters each year due to geological forces
Nomenclature: Sir George Everest was the first person to record the height and location of Mt. Everest, this is where Mt."Everest" got its name from.
First Ascent by a Woman: May 16,1975, Junko Tabei, JAP, via the South-Col
First Oxygenless Ascent: May 8, 1978- Reinhold Messner, IT, and Peter Habeler, AUT, via the South-East Ridge
First woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest from both north & south sides: Cathy O'Dowd (S.A.) South May 25,1996/North '99

First Legally Blind Person: Erik Weihenmeyer May,25,2001
Best and Worst Years on Everest: 1993, 129 summitted and eight died (a ratio of 16:1); in 1996, 98 summitted and 15 died (a ratio of 6½:1)
Highest cause of death: Avalanches-about a (2:1) ratio over falls
Country with most deaths on mountain: Nepal 46+
Most dangerous area on mountain: Khumbu Ice Fall-19+ deaths
First ski descent: Davo Karnicar (Slovenia) 10-7-2000
Corpses remaining on Everest: 120+
Longest stay on top: Babu Chiri Sherpa stayed at the summit full 21 hours and a half
Largest team: In 1975, China tackled Everest with a 410-member team.
Fastest descent: In 1988, Jean-Marc Boivin of France descended from the top in just 11 minutes, paragliding.
Only climber to climb all 4 sides of Everest: Kushang Sherpa, now an instructor with Himlayan Mountaineering Institute
First person to hike from sea level to summit, no oxygen.: 11th May 1990,Tim Macartney-Snape, Australian
Largest number to reach the top in one day: 40, on May 10, 1993

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